How to Increase Community Involvement in School Events

Effective communication between schools and families is critical for student success. When families are involved in their children's education, they are more likely to succeed academically and socially. In this article, we will discuss how school administrators and teachers can increase community involvement in school events using Klassly and Klassboard.
Teachers can post and connect with students and families on Klassly, a private classroom social media, and school admin can access all Klasslys in the school, manage interactions, track involvement and broadcast media to any or all families. The Klassboard is a dashboard to access every class, teacher and family in the school, it's the central nervous system for the school culture as communications should always first be led by admin to streamline a positive tone and lead by example.
The Power of Klassly and Klassboard
Klassly and Klassboard are digital communication platforms designed to help school admin, teachers and parents communicate more efficiently, effectively, and personally. They offer several features that can help to increase community involvement in school events.
Scheduling Appointments
One of the best ways to increase community involvement in school events is to schedule appointments using Klassly and Klassboard. Administrators and teachers can create time slots on their class calendars for parents to choose from, making it easier for them to attend school events. This can include parent-teacher conferences, student showcase events, and other school-related activities. Events can be saved in personal digital calendars from the app.
Creating Polls
Another way to increase community involvement in school events is to create polls on the timelines. These polls can ask parents what events they are most interested in attending, what times work best for them, and what types of events they would like to see in the future. This can help to ensure that school events are tailored to the needs and interests of the school community.
Requesting Signatures
Klassly and Klassboard can also be used to request signatures on posts related to school events. For example, administrators can create a post about a school fundraiser and ask parents to sign the post to indicate their support. This can help to increase engagement and build excitement for school events.
Creating Events
Klassboard allows administrators and teachers to create events that are saved to personal calendars. This makes it easier for parents to stay informed about upcoming school events and to plan their schedules accordingly. Additionally, Klassboard allows parents to RSVP to events, making it easier for administrators and teachers to determine attendance and plan accordingly.
Communicating in Comments
Finally, Klassly and Klassboard allow for communication in comments on principal or teacher posts. This can be a great way for parents to ask questions, provide feedback, and engage with the school community. By enabling comments, administrators and teachers can create a more open and inclusive school culture that fosters engagement and involvement.
In conclusion, community involvement is essential for the success of any school. By using Klassly and Klassboard, school administrators and teachers can increase engagement and involvement in school events. By scheduling appointments, creating polls, requesting signatures, creating events, and enabling comments on posts, schools can create a more connected and engaged school community. If you're a school administrator or teacher who wants to learn more about Klassly and Klassboard, we encourage you to request the PDF of Klassboard by email at This will provide you with more information about the features and benefits of these tools.